How to capture Fiddler trace

How to capture Fiddler trace – Fiddler is a tool which will help you to capture the web traffic in order to deep dive into the issue

How to capture Fiddler trace

  • Simply install it

Fiddler trace install

  • By default it will install Fiddler at this location ( If you want you can change the path)

capture Fiddler trace

  • Post that start fiddler application by looking for an app into Windows search and cancel the app container configuration

capture Fiddler trace

  • Click on file and un-check capture traffic or hit F12 button

Click on file  un-check capture traffic or hit F12 button

  • Right click on any one of the traffic and simply remove it

Right click on any one of the traffic and simply remove it

  • Click on tool and then select option

capture Fiddler trace

  • Select HTTPS tab and check Decrypt HTTPS traffic post that it will install one fiddler certificate on local machine in order to by pass any proxy ( the moment you un-install Fiddler it will automatically remove that fiddler certificate)

capture Fiddler trace

How to capture Fiddler trace

capture Fiddler trace

capture Fiddler trace

  • Now fiddler is ready to capture the traffic à you can hit F12 or go to file and check capture traffic option post that repro the issue and make sure Fiddler is running in the background
  • In my machine I have launched chrome browser in background and captured fiddler traffic, this is how it looks like

capture Fiddler trace

You can save Fiddler traffic -> click on file -> save -> all sessions

 capture Fiddler trace

Conclude: Post reading above log now I know how to capture and read fiddler traces

About Sushil G

Hi, my name is Sushil and I am an experienced content writer with a passion for technology. For the past 10 years, I have been specializing in Microsoft products like Azure AD, Exchange, Skype for Business (SFB), and Teams. My in-depth knowledge of these products has enabled me to help many individuals and businesses to achieve their goals by leveraging the power of Microsoft technology. As a content writer, I enjoy taking complex technical concepts and breaking them down into easy-to-understand language. I'm always eager to learn about the latest trends and advancements in the industry and share my knowledge and expertise with others. If you need help in understanding Microsoft products and maximizing their potential, I'm here to help.