









Move the Central Management Server to Another SQL Server

Lets say we have some issues with our SQL servers ( Virus attack, security breach) and we want to move CMS for temporary purpose on another server till the time we fix the issue then we have to follow below steps

1.Export SFB configuration just in case

export-csconfiguration -file c:\SFBconfig.zip

export-cslisconfiguration -file c:\SFBlisconfig.zip

2.Install a new SFB server in a new pool. I.e temp.corp.local ( please install STD version in order to save time and cost both )

Update it to latest CU and update database

Then run Get-csmanagementreplicationstatus and make sure temp.corp.local is showing as True

3.Install a new CMS (configuration management store) on temporary sql server.

install-csdatabase -CentralManagementDatabase -sqlserverfqdn temp.corp.local

4.Enable topology.


5.Logon to new server in new pool and move CMS SFB server.

move-csmanagementserver –whatif


Verify that you are moving it to the new server and select.

Get-csmanagementstorereplicationstatus –centralmanagementstore

Active FQDN : it should not be blank

Wait for replication.

6.Backup SFB databases. All of them.

Uninstall old CMS database.

Uninstall-csdatabase -CentralManagementDatabase -sqlserverfqdn OLDSQLSERVERFQDN.corp.local

Step 2 run on Enterprise

7.Backup SFB databases. All of them.
8.In topologybuilder create a new sql server at the enterprise pool properties and publish topology. Rightclick and create new SQL store and then select it from SQL dropdown on pool
9.Run SFB server setup deployment wizard.
10.Turn off all SFB frontend servers.
11.Restore Databases to the newley created databases. Remember to enable Chaining on the RTC and RTCDYN databases. Enable cross database chaining in the sql server properties. (SQL 2008 R2) In SQL-query : alter-database rtc set db_chaining = on alter-database rtcdyn set db_chaining = on
12.Start SFB servers.
13.Mover CMS to new SQLserver. step 1 – 6
14.Delete temppool from topologybilder and publish.